Global Alliance of Indigenous Peoples,
Gender Justice and Peace

News and events from seven global indigneous socio-cultural zones of the world

For a World Beyond War: Online Convening

On November 10th and 11th, 2023, the International Mother's Association and the Northeast India Women's Initiative for Peace will host a two day conference on Indigenous conflict resolution processes in Northeast India and around the world.

COVID-19 and Indigenous peoples

We urge Member States and the international community to include the specific needs and priorities of indigenous peoples in addressing the global outbreak of COVID 19.

COVID-19 in Indigenous Communities

Due to the need to present information disaggregated by Indigenous Peoples, Cultural Survival is producing this map to collect and disseminate information to show the situations Indigenous communities are facing as a result of COVID-19.

Indigenous Women Convening for Peace, Justice, and Reconciliation

Join us for our Indigenous Women Convening for Peace, Justice, and Reconciliation. The Indigenous Women Convening on Peace, Justice, and Reconciliation brings together Indigenous scholars and women leaders from seven indigenous socio-cultural zones of the world to share stories of war...

Indigenous Women's Convening on Peace, Justice and Reconciliation, 19 March at Harvard University

State of the World's Indigenous People - Rights to Lands, Territories and Resources (5th Volume)

COVID-19: Manipur crosses 50,000-mark with 869 new cases

To date, a total of 41,153 have recovered from COVID-19 in Manipur, of which 546 persons recovered and were discharged on Monday.

Peru’s indigenous peoples struggle to survive Covid-19

When the Covid-19 pandemic arrived in Peru in March 2020, it hit the city of Lima first. The virus seemed far from the Amazon, a region that seriously lacks public services and where many indigenous communities live in inaccessible areas.

COVID-19 Exacerbating Inequality, Marginalization Faced by Indigenous Peoples, Speakers Underline, as Permanent Forum Continues Session

States must ensure the protection of indigenous peoples affected by the COVID-19 pandemic through timely, inclusive and equitable access to quality and affordable health-care services, including vaccines...

Covid to displace more than a million across the Sahel, new tool predicts

Coronavirus is predicted to push more than 1 million people from their homes across the Sahel, creating havoc in an already highly fragile region, according to new forecasting software.

The indigenous custom behind New Zealand’s strong covid-19 response

Life in New Zealand is almost back to normal. While the United States has seen more than half a million deaths from covid-19 — with a death rate of more than 160 per 100,000 of population ...

How indigenous communities faced off against COVID-19 globally

As indigenous people across the world continue to suffer from the unceasing impacts of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, much of the institutional response...

Reports detail high COVID-19 burden in Native Americans

During the pandemic, Native Americans have had 2.2 times greater COVID-19 case incidence and almost quadruple the death rate of White people in Montana...