Global Alliance of Indigenous Peoples,
Gender Justice and Peace

Indigenous Peace Talks Series

Bina Nepram Hosts Indigenous Peace Talks Series - 26 Jan 2021 with Dr. Myrna Cunningham of Nicaragua at 2 pm Managua time which is 3 pm EST

Dr. Myrna Cunningham is a physician, politician, indigenous human rights activist, and university educator, was born in Bilwaskarma, in Nicaragua's North Atlantic Autonomous Region, on 10 November 1947.

She is best known for the leading role she played in promoting the peace negotiation process that in 1986 ended a ten-year military conflict that pitted the FSLN (Frente Sandinista de Liberation Front) revolutionary government against the Miskitu indigenous rebels who were struggling for autonomy along the Nicaraguan Caribbean coast. She is also an international advocate for the rights of indigenous peoples.